Our peel treatments designed to lift pigment, remove sun damage, alleviate acne and scarring, and fight fine lines and wrinkles. All our painless medium-depth chemical Peels are safe for all skin types and tones with results in as little as 7 days. Body peels also available to reduce stretch marks, scars (even c-section scars) and discoloration.

Monarch Peel treats:

Sun Damage
UV-Induced Pigmentation
Hyperpigmentation (PIH

Painted Lady Peel treats:

Excessive Oil
Acne with Hyperpigmentation
Acne Scarring
Adult Acne
Body Peel: Non-invasive, and pain-free Body peel treatments stimulate anti-aging collagen to increase cellular turnover. Help target troubled areas and reveal smoother, more radiant skin in just one treatment. Safe for all skin types, tones, and textures.
Pigmentation and fine lines on the Décolleté
Body Acne
Scars from Acne, Surgeries, or Injuries
Stretch Marks
Sagging skin

Micro needling is a deeper technique where a machine used to treat a variety of skin conditions that cause depressions in the skin such as acne scarring, surgical scars, other scars, burns, enlarged pores, wrinkles (rhytides), and stretch marks (striae). These micro needles are painless and cause the body to heal itself rejuvenating the skin. Vitamin C or Hyaluronic acid can be re infused back in resulting in flawless glowing skin. 

The same technique is used for Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) facials. Coined the “vampire facial” these facial uses your own blood’s platelets and plasma on your face. The natural chemicals in your own PRP are coated over your face and then micro-needled into the skin during a short procedure. Once the plasma is in, it begins to do its work of rejuvenating your entire face, tightening wrinkled areas, and smoothing the overall look. This is possible because PRP’s essential chemical components stimulate collagen growth.

Let’s Talk!

Our consultations are thorough and individualized for you, so we can create the best treatment plan for your unique needs.

January & February Specials


Morpheus Body Fat Destruction & Contouring (3 sessions):        Save $700

Morpheus Face Treatment (3sessions) Save $600 – Tightens skin and reduces wrinkles and scars

Buttocks Enhancement with Sculptra: save $700
Weight-Loss Injections: Buy three, get one Free

Expires 2/14/25